Best Foods For Your Skin: We Are What We Eat! Sort Of.

Has anyone else been feeling like the sun is doing its best to burn us alive this summer? Long, hot and humid days easily dehydrating us and leaving us pink on our faces and shoulders in a short amount of time? Just me? I’m sure sunscreen is the first thing many of us think of when it comes to skin protection and health, but what about from the inside? What are the best foods for your skin?

To reiterate, most people protect their skin externally from harmful UV rays from the sun with various products, but internally is just as important. Yes, internally! By including photoprotective foods and liquids in our daily diets,  with photoprotective compounds that  help boost your skin’s natural protection from UV radiation.

These photoprotective compound-rich foods have high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and other phytochemicals that can help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation which lessens the damage caused by UV exposure. 

What are some common examples of photoprotective compounds found in plant foods? Let’s lay them out using groups of foods each compound can be found in:


  • Carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and leafy greens all contain carotenoids which helps protect the skin from UV damage and improve skin health in general. 


  • Berries, apples, onions, and dark chocolate all contain flavonoids which help protect skin cells.


  • Citrus fruits, strawberries, bell peppers, and broccoli all contain vitamin C which is an antioxidant that helps to repair and protect the skin.


  • Nuts, seeds, spinach, and broccoli all contain vitamin E which is also an antioxidant. It helps to protect the skin from oxidative damage.


  • Green tea, grapes, and cocoa all contain polyphenols which have been shown to have photoprotective properties.


Some of you may recognize a few of these compounds from skincare product ads, and there’s certainly a reason for their popularity! Using them in your skincare products is great, but including them in your diet via fruits, vegetables, and other foods will not only protect your skin, but also help protect your other cells.

So, to wrap this all up with as neat a bow as possible: in addition to using sunscreen and covering up when able to protect your skin from harmful UV radiation, I also recommend including these amazing photoprotective compound-rich foods in your diet as much as possible. 

If you want further information on what are the cleanest skin care products to use that will give maximum coverage and are EWG (Environment Working Group) approved, click here to get in contact and I will give you my favorites! Enjoy the sun and the rest of your summer!