Dare to Dream Vision Board Workshop
Are you ready to turn your dreams into reality? My dream board creation workshop is designed to guide you through the process of manifesting your goals for the year 2024. This workshop will help you create clear intentions and visualize your aspirations for the future. Using a combination of guided meditation, affirmations, pictures, and quotes […]
Client No Longer Pre-diabetic!
Here is a recent testimony from Karen B. “My journey started a couple of years ago with a pre-diabetic A1C test. I am thin and a healthy eater so was surprised. I consulted with my Nutritionist friend and yoga teacher Renee Simon, who recommended a few basic supplements and one for managing blood sugar. I […]
Adrienne’s Weight Loss Story
I just lost 40.4 pounds while working with Renee Simon. For the last 11 years I have been trying to loose weight. Weight Watchers didn’t work as I would gain all the weight back. My doctor wrote in his files “obese. ” I tried on my own but of course gained more. My doctor […]
Interview With Adena Blickstein, MD
Here is a Youtube Video interview with me discussing holistic health and healing approaches for infertility, Interstitial Cystitis, and many other common problems.
Women’s Empowerment Workshop: Kickstart The New Year! January 6, 7-8:30 PM EST
What I realized at the last half day women’s empowerment retreat that I hosted a few months ago, is that women love to be together to share ideas and support each other in community. It makes sense since many of us are ready to grow and move forward in our lives and celebrate who we […]
Women’s Empowerment Retreat, October 15, 10-1 PM
Join a small group of women who want to grow and reach their potential with other wonderful, like-minded ladies. The retreat will include some movement (think yoga stretching, tai chi, free dance) to wake up your spirit. Journeying and free writing to learn more about your soul’s calling, and guided quiet reflection time to tap […]
Reiki 2 Class – December 10, 1-5
Reiki 2 Class – December 10th, 1-5 PM, 30 minute break This class will advance your intuitive knowledge and ability to heal yourself and others. The class will start with a review from Reiki 1 and delve deeper into the ancient art of Reiki including the following advanced techniques: Learning and using Reiki symbols for […]
Virtual Restorative Yoga October 3rd
Restorative yoga is for anyone who would like to relax & renew. No prior yoga experience is needed. You will be guided into restorative poses using props you have at home to make you comfortable in a completely supportive environment for total relaxation. The restorative sequences will: Help your spine and open tight hips, hamstrings […]
Face What You Need to Change
This quote from James Baldwin really hit home for me. I have been having a few old health issues showing up recently. Whenever there is something challenging it is normal human behavior to try to ignore or hope it goes away. I did that for awhile, fully knowing that there was something deeper emotionally I […]
Self-Care Strategies for the New Year
Self-Care Strategies – I hope you find the list below helpful as you start the new year. Quiet Your Mind Meditation is an incredible way to find balance and harmony in your mind and your body. When you commit to a daily meditation practice, you are inviting yourself to slow down, reconnect with your highest […]
What I learned from tropical storm Isaias
Storms are hard. There is the fear of not knowing how bad it will be or how to prepare adequately. There is also fear watching the storm with the trees blowing in the wind and seeing branches coming down and hoping nothing will damage your house or property. I have had several trees come down […]
Healthy Living Community
Get support and have fun reaching your health goals! Want to boost energy, balance your weight, and be part of a healthy living community? It’s an opportunity to help you reach your goals, stay focused on your nutrition regimen, feel motivated, get your questions answered and increase your likelihood of success! It will also be […]
Best Nutrients for Optimal Skin Protection
Wanna nourish your skin from the inside out? Here are the nutrients I recommend and best dietary sources. Vitamin A Vitamin A can treat skin conditions including acne, eczema, psoriasis, cold sores, wounds, burns, and sunburn. DIETARY SOURCES: liver, egg yolks. Zinc Plays a role in immune function, protein synthesis, wound healing, DNA synthesis, and […]
Building Resilience in Times of Turmoil
Welcome to my 6 week zoom class meeting Wednesday, April 1- May 6 from 12-1 PM. Each week we will discuss different yogic principles to live by. The classes will include grounding, de-stressing, teachings, sharing, and group healing. You will leave feeling empowered, strong, and at peace. Some of the topics we will discuss include: […]
Is the radish a super food?
There are always new super foods popping up. We haven’t heard much about the radish. Here are some of it’s vast benefits: Low in calories, 1/2 cup is approximately 12 calories. Packed with potassium and other vitamins and minerals. High in fiber which helps fill you up so you eat less at a meal. Fiber […]
Reiki Shares, October 30, 5-6:30
I am starting ongoing monthly Reiki shares for anyone who is a Reiki I practitioner or higher to maximize your chance of practicing as well as getting a healing yourself. Each share circle will include a meditation and a different teaching and discussion to raise your vibration and level of consciousness as well as individual […]
Beach Yoga is Back!
Join us for our Special Saturday morning Summer Beach Yoga program. The next class is June 29th, 9:30-10:30 at the Lake Truesdale Beach in South Salem. Raindate is June 30th, same time. The location is often a siting for swans, ducks, eagles and other wild life. There is nothing like combining the serenity of nature […]
Best and Worst Diets Around The World Article
Check out my recent article in conjunction with Medscape. Click here.
Weight Loss, High Cholesterol & Triglycerides, Osteoarthritis
Brian was a retired 60 year old who came to see me to lose weight and lower his cholesterol and triglycerides. He was on medication for high triglycerides and blood pressure.